Its not that new but thanks to youTube and its friends, we can now mak you discover this tv ad for H&M starring H&M.
Summer is comming up quickly and the time has come to show of your great selection of bikinis. If you haven't found the ideal bikini to set you apart from other women, here might be a solution sinci you have just won the lottery.
Aquadress has just launched a limited edition of jewelry bikini that you get for your own for a « small » amount ranging from 10 730 000 $ for the VVS1 diamond quality to 1 790 000 $ for some simple sapphires.
The D-color diamond bikini for 10 730 000 $
The fancy cut diamond bikini for 8 200 000 $
The natural ruby bikini for 2 850 000 $
The natural sapphire bikini 1 790 000 $
Don't wait any longer and suicide your banker while heading to Aquadress's website :
It just came out, Triumph and their 42 000 emplyees changed their logo and now have to change 42 000 badges...
Heres the old one for the last time :
Now replaces by this new one :
You'd better memorize it for your next lingerie seeking trip.
Triumph International Japan takes position against global warming and gets a little PR in Japan which is the country consuming the most plastic bag per inhabitants.
The assorted panty displays a card showing your eco-friendly heart.
Triumph, sadly, doesn't plan on selling this product but for your personal knowledge, here's how it works :